Saturday, June 03, 2006

Still on the Road

Hey everyone. We are all doing well. We just received a report from Botswana the ministry is exploding. Our prison ministry is taking on a life of it's own. We have been trying to start a discipleship program in one of the prisons. It has been a year long process but it is finally a reality. Not only is it a reality but we just had our first graduation ceremony for the inmates that have completed the program. We have had over 80 Salvations in the prison and inmates as well as guards are hungry for teaching. One of our goals is to be able to send 5 discipleship graduates to bible school each year once they are released from prison.
If you would like to sponsor a a student please let us know. The cost per year is $500.
We are also in need of bibles for the inmates. We would like to raise $2000 to purchase Setswana Bibles. Each Setswana bible is $10.00 US dollars.
Please contact us via email if you want to invest in this ministry.

Other Special needs:

Bible school curriculumn and equipment: cost $1000.
Bible School Trailer: $1500
Multimedia laptop: $1300
Bible School Van: $10,ooo

We believe that God has placed these items on our heart therefore we are believing for great provision. We will keep you all posted regarding His provision.

*For more information regarding please email me and I would be happy to send you more details.

We will be in the states for one more month if you would like to find out more information via phone you can reach us at: 540-222-1760.

God Bless.

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