Thursday, August 10, 2006


Dear Prayer partners - we just wanted to get a few requests out to you before we miss the opportunity to have you be a part of them..

Again - we are experiencing a lot of death. Three friends died while we were away - and 8 more people (three were babies) connected to our mission in some way - have died in the last 3 weeks we have been home. It is very difficult at times. We do recognize, that with these deaths, comes an opportunity for us to be God's hands, feet, voice and touch of comfort. We know, too, that we have been comforted by Him, so that He may use us to comfort others. We have an amazing story that we will save for our next newsletter to tell you about.

Our mission - Love Botswana Outreach Mission - has been presented with some awesome opportunities. We have been asked - because of our involvement in the prison ministry to provide some Bible training for the prison's chaplains! Also, just yesterday, Michael was invited to speak on "The Value of Life" at a rally for young people that the police department is holding THIS Saturday. Please pray about that. We get plenty of persecution from certain groups because we are Christians - however, we receive so many open doors for ministry. What a trade-off. It is worth it.

One more thing before I close this short note - we have received a GREAT honor. Last night a husband and wife that are in our Bible School came up to Michael and said they had a present for us in their car. Michael went to the car - and guess what was there?! .. A huge male goat! Alive! What an honor for us to be given this gift - a symbol of wealth for the Batswana people. We feel very loved and blessed. So, the goat spent the night and morning on our porch so we could protect it from all the dogs on the plot! The boys wanted to name him "Earl" - we said they could name him "Stew"!... Just kidding about the second part - as far as the name goes. We told them that they shouldn't name him since God blessed us with him to be eaten - not as a herd starter for more goats!

This afternoon, Michael had the chance to learn from two other Bible school students how to slaughter, skin, and prepare for us to take to the butcher. Goats and cows represent the wealth of the people of Botswana, so it is a great privilege to be given such a gift. By the way, Charissma had seen plenty of goats from a far, but when it was on our porch - whew! She was terrified of it!

Anyway - we love you all and appreciate your prayers. You should have received a newsletter from us at the very beginning of July via email - if you did not please let me know.

Heather, Michael, and the Fam


To all our dear friends and family:

Our furlough has come to an end and we are now on our way back to Botswana. We are not home yet – but we are back in Africa. All eleven pieces of our checked luggage failed to show up when we did. So, we stayed in the Baptist Guest House in Johannesburg, South Africa for two days and waited for them to come. It turned out to be a great blessing. We were supposed to drive 3 hours to friends of ours in Harrismith, South Africa straight from the airport for some R & R, but Heather was so relieved that we couldn’t leave without our luggage. Ankles swollen, and hurting, hardly sleeping an hour on the long flight, she wanted to cry just leaving the airport she was so exhausted. I think we went to bed that night at 7:00 pm – we don’t know what our kids were doing. J We were tired. Once we left WA and AZ, our bodies never adjusted, so we were going to bed in IL and GA at 1-2 in the morning.

We had a wonderful time seeing all of you. Our constant regret has been the short amount of time that we were able to spend with each of you. We are sad that there are some of you that we did not get to connect with at all.

We know our calling is that the Gospel must be preached throughout the world. We exist to KNOW HIM and MAKE HIM KNOWN, so we must get back to where God has called us to be and we are delighted to do that.

Since we have just completed our first furlough, we have been doing lots of thinking and evaluating. What will we do the same or different next time? We wanted to share some of our furlough thoughts with you.

First of all the definition of “furlough” is: “a leave of absence or vacation”. That is NOT what we did. J We don’t know the name for what we did, but furlough is definitely not it. Secondly, we are immensely grateful to have friends all over the map that are determined to have others hear about what God is doing in Botswana through Love Botswana Outreach Mission – and they will even feed and lodge a loud family of SIX to see that we get to share with their congregations. Thank you so much to all of you who received us and hosted us. Thirdly, we were greatly humbled by all the pastors that trusted us to participate in their worship service; many of them gave us the whole service. Thank you so much for your trust in us, or others in your congregation that spoke of us to you. Another thought that we have had is how privileged we are to be doing something that has eternal dividends. It is NEVER a waste of time to share the Gospel and invest in the lives of other people.

The last part of our evaluation is that we could have done a much better job at being clear about what our needs are. We desperately need more people that are willing to partner with us in this ministry on a monthly basis. We know that just living on this earth brings changes to individuals and their ability to give, so, our monthly partners change all the time. You have heard the ways that God is using us and we desire to be able to stay in the field. Currently we need around $1800 more a month than what is currently committed. We would encourage you to ask the Lord of the Harvest if He would have you be a part of our team. We have expenses that are just part of the reality of where God has called us – to this desert in the northern part of the country of Botswana. We have to pay rent, utilities, car and health insurance, like many of you. We have school fees for our children. But we also have high food and fuel costs. Beef is cheap, but all the other things are imported to our country and then shipped up north where we live. It currently costs us between $80-90 to fill our truck with fuel. We spend about $200 a month on drinking water. There are also times when there is a medical issue, which we actually have to go to another country for medical care.

You have heard us say that years ago Michael declared that when God told us to go back overseas, he didn’t want to have to raise our own support. We wouldn’t have it any other way now. We have found that the precious people that sacrifice and give to God’s work in Botswana through what we do are very much involved in this ministry – they care about the Outreaches, they care when our child has an unidentified rash, or an appointment with a neurologist in totally different country, some need for the ministry, or some other family concern or concern in our area.

We thank all of you who have invested in this ministry over the last 2 ½ and believed with us that God would provide to bring us back to the US for furlough. Those of you already committed monthly – thank you. For those of you that are not, we would ask you to consider becoming a monthly partner. Your testimony and belief that God still saves and desires a relationship with the people He created is alive and well in Botswana. We love you all and thank you for making us feel loved. God bless you all.

The Walkers

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Still on the Road

Hey everyone. We are all doing well. We just received a report from Botswana the ministry is exploding. Our prison ministry is taking on a life of it's own. We have been trying to start a discipleship program in one of the prisons. It has been a year long process but it is finally a reality. Not only is it a reality but we just had our first graduation ceremony for the inmates that have completed the program. We have had over 80 Salvations in the prison and inmates as well as guards are hungry for teaching. One of our goals is to be able to send 5 discipleship graduates to bible school each year once they are released from prison.
If you would like to sponsor a a student please let us know. The cost per year is $500.
We are also in need of bibles for the inmates. We would like to raise $2000 to purchase Setswana Bibles. Each Setswana bible is $10.00 US dollars.
Please contact us via email if you want to invest in this ministry.

Other Special needs:

Bible school curriculumn and equipment: cost $1000.
Bible School Trailer: $1500
Multimedia laptop: $1300
Bible School Van: $10,ooo

We believe that God has placed these items on our heart therefore we are believing for great provision. We will keep you all posted regarding His provision.

*For more information regarding please email me and I would be happy to send you more details.

We will be in the states for one more month if you would like to find out more information via phone you can reach us at: 540-222-1760.

God Bless.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

On the Road Again!

Hi Friends and Family...
Well this is going to be interesting to see if I actually do this right! We have been in the US for over one month now! How did that happen! Well, the miles on our van would agree that is true. Thanks to Dick and Dora Gilmore, our friends in Ohio - we now have pillows to sit on while we travel.

We are so grateful to all of you for your prayers. We believe that this furlough time is just as important as our ministry in Botswana - reconnecting with people that are supporting us with their prayers and finances. We are so grateful for your sowing in this ministry.

We have been in IL, GA, VA, DC, OH and now we are back in GA again and heading to IL. We have experienced wonderful hospitality and have had a great time. The boys have enjoyed eating all their foods. OK - I better go. I'll write more later. Below is an updated itinerary.

Much love to you all!
The Walkers

Southern Illinois:
April 14 – 17th
April 14-16: Lake Sallateeska

Atlanta, Georgia & Florida:
April 18th – 24th

April 25th – May 7th
April 30:Takoma Park Baptist Church
May 7: Hope Christian Fellowship

May 8th – May 18th

Atlanta, GA
May 19th – May 26nd
May 21: AME Atlanta

Southern Illinois
May 27rd – June 8th
May 28: Dongola Baptist Church
June 4: Anna Heights Baptist Church
June 7: Acteens/RAs Anna Heights

Washington State
June 8th – June 14th
June 11: Island Church

Arizona (Sedona & Camp Verde)
June 15th – June 19th
June 16: Young at Heart home group
June 17: Millar Bible Study
June 18: Wayside Chapel

Southern Illinois
June 20th – June 26th

Atlanta, GA & Florida
June 26th – July 2nd
July 2: Open Word Christian Ministries

Return to Africa
July 3rd

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

*We're Making Rounds - 4/30/06

Hi ALL!!

Guess what?! We are in the US! All SIX of us! God is so good – and if you are in a difficult situation and tempted to think that it is too big for God, email me back and let’s have tea or coffee – because we have seen God do great things. We are so grateful.

The jet lag has been kicking our tails – but other than that our first week has been spent with family. We spent ONE night with Mike’s Mom and sister and then drove 8 hours to a Easter family reunion for Heather’s side. On good Friday – the day after we arrived in country – we headed out. Michael did a great job, since he immediately had to drove on the wrong side of the road! J The breaks went out of the van we were in – but God provided a gas station with a brake place across the street – open on Good Friday? Michael bought the brakes at an auto zone and the guy put them in 30 minutes and charged us only $35! What a bargain. J

We only just now figured out our outlook – which is why it has taken us a week to let you know we are here. We are so appreciative of your prayers. We look forward to seeing many of you and being an encouragement to your churches.

Thank you so much to those of you that have generously given so that we can all be here. We hope to thank you all personally. We will write more later – but just wanted you to know – we are here! OH! Hallelujah! Also – for those of you wondering: Obviously, we were granted the visa for Charissma (with a LITTLE of reservation on the US Embassy side in Botswana), but we did not have ONE BIT of trouble leaving the country with here so entering the US. No one quizzed us. They said nothing as we crossed the border – they said nothing as we flew out. And when we came in the US side – immigration asked us if we needed more months on her visa! How is that for service!? We assured him that we do not because we are returning to Botswana in 3 months.

If you have not received an itinerary yet – and you have asked for one – I am so sorry – please email us and let us know. We are going to make the itinerary a little more specific and get it out to you all by this weekend.

Trusting HIM for all things,
The Walker Gang

Monday, May 08, 2006


1. Please pray for our boys as when begin to prepare to go back to Botswana. Life in the states is so much more convenient. We are praying that they will not have a difficult time leaving it all behind again.
2. Financial Needs: It is our goal to head back to Botswana with at least $6000 in our bank account. This will take care of our children's school fees, housing, as well as travel from South Africa to Maun, Botswna.
3. The sale of our mini-van. We still owe $4000 on it and would loved to be free from this monthly payment before we leave.
4. Continued safe travel and health.
5. Please pray that we will stay open to ministry opportunities that present themselves with the people we come in contact with on each leg of our Journey.
Special Thank you to all our host homes:
Rod and Pam Underwood
Vanna Walker and Family
Paul and Margret Gleckler and family
Dick and Dora Gilmore
Bruce and Louise Williams(Mom & Dad)
Mike and Kathleen Hale
Paul Wallace
Thank you all for who have given us special gifts. Those unexpected gifts really encourage us. It seems that each time it has been something that we had been praying for.
Please remember that we are all in this together.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


To support Our Ministry, send gift to:

World Missions and Evangelism
PO Box 790
Benton, KY 42025

*must mark on memo of check
"Preference Account #94" and our names
Michael and Heather Walker

*Check must me made out to WME

Sunday, April 09, 2006




Michael Walker
Heather Walker

Michael and Heather Walker
Word to Africa
PO Box 941
Lobatse, Botswana

The place where funds go to support our ministry is:
World Missions & Evangelism
PO Box 790
Benton, KY 42025.
Checks written out to WME and in memo "Pref. Acct. #094, M & H Walker"

Saturday, April 08, 2006


We work with Word to Africa Botswana, reaching the unreached for Jesus Christ.


Pioneer Evangelism through

Image Friendship Evangelism
Establishing contacts in the area
Living amongst the people

ImageChurch planting
House Churches – Man of Peace ((Luke 11)
Leadership training
Train and Multiply - 2 Timothy 2 :2

ImageYouth work
Awana and Good News clubs
Ministry at Primary Schools
Youth groups

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Lyrics and Music by Heather Walker
Engineering by Greenman Entertainment

To purchace a CD and Support our Ministry, email Heather at